The Movie Colony Neighborhood Organization
Emergency Preparation Steps

Palm Springs, California
Emergency Preparedness

Four Elements of Preparedness:
1. Personal and Family Preparation (12 Steps)
a.Survey of Neighborhoods for basic personal information
b.Establish small neighborhood teams.

2.An Event
c.Wind Storm
e.Hazardous Chemical Spill
f.Damage to Water Supply

3.Neighborhood Reaction – Immediate Action
a. Neighborhood Assessment – impact on each neighborhood and population. (22 Neighborhoods representing 45% Population)
b.Stabilizing the community – Fire and Police Protection
c.Establishing Communication
d.Open Medical first-aid treatment centers
      i.(6 locations)
      ii.Establish sorting based on severity of injuries
      iii.Develop transport for seriously injured victims

4.Command Center – Mobilization of Internal and External Resources
a.Mobilize with Police, Fire, CERT and Races a network to establish communications, civil order and volunteer support for the entire city.
b.Within a reasonable time period (48 hours) outside resources will begin to show up to provide more long-term help and resources. This will come from State of California, Other States adjacent to California American Red Cross and FEMA.
c.Long-term healing rebuilding process.