The Movie Colony Neighborhood Organization
Neighborhood Watch

Palm Springs, California


Charles Brobeck, TMC resident, advisor and retired Chief of Police, Irvine, has organized the Neighborhood Watch.

Chuck has five block captains, but more are needed. Chuck wants to hear from you, and the neighborhood will appreciate your help. Contact Chuck at if you wish to help with The Movie Colony Neighborhood Watch

Suggestions for avoiding thefts include: Don't leave things in your car as they may disappear. Citizens on Patrol (COP) does vacation checks. Crime in PS is down but the Number One is still burglary. The main reason crime is down is that four officers follow up property crimes. The casino has had some impact on crime, mostly in the area adjacent.

Make sure you look at the PD website at . Then click on the Neighborhood Watch item in the left-hand column. There are several downloads available there that are from the National Crime Prevention Council website and

Neighborhood Watch
Information concerning Neighborhood Watch.