Emergency Preparedness for Pets
Palm Springs, California
The following are suggestions provided by experienced veterinary personnel and animal trainers.
Just as we prepare for the unexpected we must consider for the needs of our animal companions. The elements for their safety and security fall into three areas: (1) Planning and preparation for an event; (2) Protection and management during an event and (3) The subsequent safety, security and support needed to insure their survival during that period of time as your community mobilizes and regroups. Pet emergency kits are suggested for their minimum needs:
- Provide an emergency container (33 Gal. Unit on wheels – Keep away from building or adjacent to garage)
- Maintain food, water and nutritional supplements for at least two weeks. They may drink from pools that are safe.
- Personally take “Pet First Aid Instruction” be certified from a certified trainer in first aid.
- Maintain a first aid kit with bandages, gauze rolls, antiseptic, pain medication thermometer, scissors and eye drops with back-up medication to sustain your pet until service become provided.
- Maintain separate leashes in your kit for dogs, cats, reptiles and other small animals. Keep muzzles for dogs that may become aggressive when emotionally upset or have anxiety because of the event.
- Collars – Identification tags, which are always worn on the pet, with pet name, your name, address, telephone number, and ICE In Case of Emergency number preferably out of state – A separate tag can also indicate medication and dosage. A Micro-chip imbedded under the skin by a vet. Also, maintain extra pictures in case your animal gets loose during an event so that you can give it to authorities and emergency volunteers assisting in the recovery period.
- Keep animal carrier available in a place easily accessible for small and medium size animals.
- Records - Keep a photo copy of vaccinations given in emergency kit. Maintain a plastic zip bag with a current picture, veterinary medical visits, including; veterinarian’s name, office address, and phone number. Also, include a letter authorizing any one you designate to take care of the animals.
- Include scooper and plastic bags to pick up waste, kitty litter/ boxes etc. Maintain a 5/gal. Container with lid to store waste in a plastic bag until trash services are re-instated by your community.
- Keep extra towels, blankets and favorite toys in the emergency container.
- For fish, move them in large Ziploc baggies (1 Gal.) leaving plenty of air over the water. Place aggressive fish in separate bags. Place all the bags carefully in a large cooking pot or sturdy box for evacuation. It is possible that the fish tank is portable enough to move, after emptying the water. Remember each gallon of water weighs 8.3lbs. Therefore a 5 gal fish tank weighs over 40lbs.
- Your Pet is a special member of your family, they are your kids, provide for them as you would yourself and be prepared. They depend on you. Others will assist you if sheltering is necessary.