The Movie Colony Neighborhood Organization

Palm Springs, California

The Movie Colony
Neighborhood Organization
(The Bylaws Committee is currently working on revisions)

The name of the organization is The Movie Colony located in the City of Palm Springs, California.

The principal office of the organization shall be The Movie Colony residence of the acting Secretary of the Organization.

The Movie Colony is a voluntary organization established for the purpose of acting on a broad range of issues that are important to maintain and improve the quality of life within our neighborhood. The Movie Colony is for the benefit of all households whether or not they are members of the organization.

Office of Neighborhood Involvement, Ordinance No. 1666, of the City of Palm Springs, California, adding Chapter 2.55, April 6, 2005, to the Palm Springs Municipal Code, authorizes the City Manager to establish an Office of Neighborhood Involvement and for the creation of a Neighborhood Involvement Committee(ONIC). The Movie Colony is a recognized neighborhood by the City of Palm Springs.

The Movie Colony is bounded by Avenida Caballeros, Tachevah Drive, Alejo Road and Indian Canyon Drive.

Section 1: Homeowners of single-family dwellings located within the neighborhood boundaries as defined by Article IV are eligible for membership. Homeowners shall be represented by adults residing therein.

Section 2: The membership of each eligible household is activated by making an annual contribution in such minimum amount and by such date as designated by the Advisors. Once membership is activated, the adult resident(s) shall be deemed members and may serve as Advisors, as well as on committees of The Movie Colony. Notwithstanding the number of adult members, each household shall have one vote in matters relating to a vote by members of The Movie Colony.

Section 3: Associate membership may be available from time to time as may be determined by the Advisors. Associate members shall not be entitled to vote on matters relative to The Movie Colony. Associate members will be otherwise subject to the provisions of Section 1 and 2 of Article V.

Homeowners within the boundaries of The Movie Colony will be invited on an annual basis to make a certain minimum contribution to support the purposes and objectives of The Movie Colony. This contribution may be made annually in an amount and date selected each year by the Advisors.

Section 1: The entire direction and management of the affairs of the organization shall be vested in seven (7) Advisors, who shall have complete discretion to determine all expenditures to be made in carrying out the purpose of the organization.

Section 2: Decisions shall be determined by majority vote.

Section 3: The terms of office of all Advisors shall be staggered, with three terms expiring in even-numbered years and four terms expiring in odd-numbered years. To initiate the staggered terms, at the first annual meeting following the adoption of these restated bylaws, the three Advisors elected with the most votes will serve a two-year term and the other four Advisors so elected will each serve a one-year term. Thereafter, all terms shall be two years. There shall be no limit to the number of consecutive terms to which an Advisor may be reelected. Each Advisor shall hold office until the election of his or her successor or until the Advisor’s death, resignation or removal.

Section 4: The Advisors shall be members of The Movie Colony.

Section 5: In case of any vacancy in the number of Advisors, the remaining Advisors may elect a successor to hold office for the term that has not expired of the Advisor whose position shall be vacant.

Section 1: The annually elected officers shall consist of a President, Vice-President, Treasurer and Secretary.

Section 2: The officers are elected from and by the Advisors following the Annual meeting.

Section 3: No compensation shall be paid to elected officers.

Section 4: The President shall preside at the Board meetings and carry out all policies:
a. Assure that the Bylaws are enforced
b. Coordinate meeting dates
c. Have signatory authority with the Treasurer.
d. Approve reimbursements of Officers and Advisors for organization related expenses. Maintain communications with all members, prepare an annual budget and annual report on status of the organization.
e. Represent The Movie Colony at the Office of Neighborhood Involvement Committee (ONIC).
f. Prepare official correspondence and newsletters with the assistance of the Secretary, along with input from the other advisors. (The newsletter shall be made available to all household and businesses with in the boundaries of the neighborhood regardless of membership).
g. Direct the website consultant.

Section 5: The Vice-President shall:
a. Shall preside over the meetings in the absence of the President
b. Carry out assignments given by the Advisors
c. Have signatory authority with the Treasurer
d. Act as the alternate ONIC representative.

Section 6: The Treasurer shall:
a. Receive monies
b. Pay expenses
c. Maintain on-going bank records
d. Make available a detailed financial statement to the Advisors and at annual meetings.
e. Turn over to a successor, all records, funds and assets

Section 7: The Secretary shall:
a. Maintain accurate minutes of Advisors, Membership and Annual meetings.
b. Transmit such minutes to all appropriate parties
c. Assist in preparation of official correspondence and newsletters as directed by the Advisors.
d. Shall have signatory authority with the Treasurer.

Section 1: A nominating committee of three (3) members selected by the Advisors shall propose a slate of candidates.

Section 2: At the membership’s Annual Meeting, Advisors shall be elected to fill such vacancies as may exist and otherwise in accordance with Article VII, Section 3.

Meetings of the membership shall be held twice each year at a specific time and date to be selected by the Advisors. One meeting shall be deemed the Annual Meeting.

Notice of the place, day and hour of each meeting of members whether annual or special, shall be made available by e-mail, newsletter or by mailing a notice, postage-prepaid, to each household within the boundaries of The Movie Colony, at least ten (10) and not more than thirty (30) days prior to the meeting.

The Advisors may appoint any committee and prescribe its duties.

There shall be kept at the principal office of the organization books and records of the activities and transactions of the organization, including a minute book, which shall contain a copy of such bylaws and all amendments thereto, and all minutes of meetings of the members and of the Advisors.

The fiscal year of the organization shall be the same as the calendar year.

These Bylaws may be altered, amended or repealed by a vote of the majority of those members present at any meeting of the membership.

Adopted: Mar 14, 2004
Amended: Mar 13, 2005 (Article VII, Section 3)
Amended: Apr 17, 2006 (Article III and Article VIII, Sections 4, 5 & 7)
Amended: Jan 24, 2010 (Article X)